Bizarre: Man living with a Corpse as a wife.

By on 21:25

Man Lives with Corpse as His Lover

This is Elena Hoyos, before and after death.

You want weird? How about Count Carl Van Cosel, who was not a count and whose last name was really Tanzier. A lonely x-ray technician, he became obsessed with Elena Hoyos, who was a patient at the hospital where he worked. Elena was suffering from tuberculosis and the Count promised to restore her to health with his x-ray machine. Secretly, he knew that she was dying. When she finally passed on October 25, 1931, she was buried, but Van Cosel convinced the family to move her to a mausoleum. What they didn't know was that he had the only key and would visit her every night. After a few years, he secretly moved her to his house, where he would dress her up in bridal clothes and sometimes dance (and probably do other things) with her. He covered her decaying flesh with wax and plaster and doused her with perfume. He was eventually caught and tried for his heinous deeds, but by this time the statute of limitations had passed.

He may have suffered from Necrophilia, a sexual attraction to a corpse.

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.